Обтягивающие легенсы Дженнифер Лопес показали все недостатки ее фигуры (Фото)

10:16 , 6 августа, 2015

Дженнифер Лопес выйдя на прогулку выбрала обтягивающие легенсы, которые в полной красе показали нам все недостатки ее фигуры.

Keeping her figure in check! Jennifer Lopez looked casual and cool as she emerged from a gym session in New York on Tuesday

There it is: The famously curvy star, 46, drew attention to her ample posterior in her skin-tight gym leggings and short t-shirt

Well, she did sing a song called Booty: The musician and actress enviable posterior and slim legs proved her tireless efforts to maintain her famous figure are paying off

Crush it! As she sipped on a healthy post-workout beverage, Jennifer showed off her fun t-shirt while walking through the city

Hard at work: Earlier in the day, Jennifer was seen filming dramatic scenes for her upcoming new TV show Shades Of Blue in Queens, NY