Маттиас Шлитте — армрестлер с одной накаченной рукой (Фото)

18:40 , 14 июля, 2015

У Маттиаса Шлитте врождённое физическое отклонение, его правая рука гораздо больше, чем левая. В 16 лет Маттиас решил использовать свою особенность, чтобы стать профессиональным армрестлером. Он стал заниматься армрестлингом и добился больших высот в данном виде спорта. Матиас уже успел поучаствовать в 8 национальных чемпионатах и на 14 международных. Объем предплечья Маттиаса равен 46 см,именно из-за его гигантских предплечий, его прозвали в честь знаменитого персонажа — морячок Попай.

Editorial Use Only. Consent Required for Commercial Use and Book Publications Mandatory Credit: Photo by Robert Leeson/Newspix/REX (3829669b) German armwrestler Matthias Schlitte, Melbourne When people think of superhuman strength, they tend to think of it coming to both arms. Not for German Matthias Schlitte, who was born with a gigantic superhuman arm. The arm, measuring almost 46cm around the forearm, is luckily used for good. Mr Schlitte has built a career around his superstrong limb - in professional arm-wrestling. It all began when he was 16 and wandered into a small bar hosting an armwrestling tournament. After taking down every other contestant, he realised that he was pretty good at wrestling - when it was one-armed. For over a decade Mr Schlitte has traversed the planet Editorial Use Only. Consent Required for Commercial Use and Book Publications Mandatory Credit: Photo by Robert Leeson/Newspix/REX (3829669a) German armwrestler Matthias Schlitte, Melbourne When people think of superhuman strength, they tend to think of it coming to both arms. Not for German Matthias Schlitte, who was born with a gigantic superhuman arm. The arm, measuring almost 46cm around the forearm, is luckily used for good. Mr Schlitte has built a career around his superstrong limb - in professional arm-wrestling. It all began when he was 16 and wandered into a small bar hosting an armwrestling tournament. After taking down every other contestant, he realised that he was pretty good at wrestling - when it was one-armed. For over a decade Mr Schlitte has traversed the planet