«Мисс бразильская попка» разделась у Эйфелевой башни (Фото)

10:00 , 23 октября, 2014

Одна из главных претенденток на победу в конкурсе «Мисс бразильская попка-2014», 22-летняя Индинара Карвальо, несмотря на запрет полицейских, устроила пикантную фотосессию у главной французской достопримечательности.


Индинара уже начала раздеваться для того, чтобы фотограф мог запечатлеть ее пышные формы у подножия Эйфелевой башни, однако вмешалась полиция. Ни уговоры, ни флирт не растопили сердца французских жандармов, и они попросили девушку удалиться. Однако находчивая Индинара все-таки нашла способ провести фотосессию так, чтобы на снимках были видны и ее попа, и башня.

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f

Девушка, представляющая свой родной штат Санта-Катарину, готова выпрыгнуть из белья ради того, чтобы набрать побольше голосов и обойти остальных 26 конкурсанток за честь называться обладательницей лучших ягодиц Бразилии. Финал конкурса пройдет уже совсем скоро — в ноябре.

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f

Indianara Carvalho, one of the candidates in this years Miss Butt Brazil competition, got into hot water with police in Paris after attempting a racy shoot amid tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. The fearless model had begun to strip in preparation f